Infinity Dreams Award #writerslife


Thank you to the ever-classy Caitlyn @ Rhodes of Reading for nominating me for this  Infinity of Dreams Award. Caitlyn is a teacher who adores YA fiction, so of course she’s one of my favorite peeps.


1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself
3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer
4.  Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them

Eleven Facts About Me

  1. At major crossroads moments in my life, I’ve had a hummingbird fly out of seemingly nowhere and hover right in front of me, which I see as a sign that “everything is going to be alright.”
  2. As a kid I enjoyed scary stories. I’d save up to buy graphic novels about ghosts and hauntings then moved on to Edgar Allan Poe stories and Stephen King novels. Maybe it’s because of my overactive imagination, but now scary stories freak me out.
  3. I love riding my bicycle, especially through nature.
  4. I am calm in crisis situations. Afterward is when I get nervous and shaky.
  5. Because I’d love to be able to enter them all into Goodreads, I’m bummed I can’t remember all the books I’ve read, many of which were randomly grabbed off library shelves with barely a glance at the title.
  6. I enjoy collecting coffee mugs to commemorate trips I’ve taken.
  7. Before writing fact #6, I had to look up the difference between “coffee cup” and “coffee mug.” If you’re curious, too, here’s the link.
  8. My lucky number is five, so on all the athletic teams I played on growing up I liked having five as part of my jersey number.
  9. Whenever I take left-brain/right-brain tests, my results are always exactly in the middle.
  10. On the rare occasions that I feel overwhelmingly distraught, I drive to the parking lot of a nearby congregation/compound for nuns (though I’m not Catholic), and it makes me feel better.
  11. I love dogs and am like a little kid at the dog park.

Questions from Caitlyn

  1. If you had to choose, would you rather be a contestant on The Amazing Race or The Great British Bake-Off? (Or The Great British Baking Show…depending on where you’re from!) Sorry to say I’ve never seen either show, but I enjoy baking.
  2. If you were on a deserted island and only had one book with you, what book would it be? Moby-Dick because if it’s the only book I own, I might actually finish it.
  3. Cake or pie? Pie, definitely, blueberry or peach, please.
  4. How many different cities have you lived in? Seven.
  5. Hot chocolate or apple cider? Hot chocolate.
  6. What super power would you want to have? The ability to speak and understand all languages.
  7. Who’s the last person you texted? A friend.
  8. Do you buy DVDs or watch movies online? Online streaming all the way.
  9. Which 3 people, dead or alive, would you want to invite over for coffee? I’m curious about historical mysteries so, first, I’d invite my 5th great-grandfather for coffee and chat about why he assumed a new name at the turn of the 19th century, find out what his real name was and where he came from. Assuming we could understand each other’s languages, I’d also invite one of the last surviving Picts and inhabitants of Easter Island to ask what happened to their civilizations and find what all their cool stone structures were for.
  10. What’s your favorite accent to hear people speaking with? (British, American, Spanish, etc.) The sound of a Scottish brogue makes me pretty happy.
  11. Would you rather have a pet dragon or be a centaur? Both are pretty wonderful, but I’d go with the pet dragon since it can fly me places, which would come in quite handy during rush hour.

I nominate. . .

Mary Cathleen Clark
Abbielou @ Café Book Bean
Beth @ betwixt-these-pages
Madi Uram @ Writing Every Which Way
Sumaya @ Sue’s Reading Corner
Nate Philbrick @ You Write Fiction
Jennifer F. Santucci
Josie @ Josie’s Book Corner
Kelly Deeny
Melanie Noell Bernard
Lila @ The Bookkeeper’s Secrets
Jesalyn @ Life: Books, the Arts, and Nature

 Your Questions

  1. If you had two weeks and unlimited funds, what would be your dream vacation?
  2. What was one of your favorite books as a child?
  3. What was one of your favorite recent reads?
  4. What is your dream/life’s ambition?
  5. What three things would indicate you’ve achieved your dream?
  6. What is your favorite board/card/casino game?
  7. Would you prefer camping in nature or staying at fine hotel in the city?
  8. If you could write like any author, who would it be and why?
  9. If you could visit any historical time period, which would you choose and why?
  10. Romance or adventure?
  11. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

19 thoughts on “Infinity Dreams Award #writerslife

  1. Oooh, thanks for the tag!

    Just some responses to your facts/answers…

    –My mom has an owl friend (or several?) who like to show up near her when she’s facing difficult or sad situations. We like to think it’s various people she’s lost, looking out for her/lending her strength.
    –That super power would be EPIC! Great answer!


  2. Congratulations on the award, Eve! Your answers to Caitlyn’s questions, and the eleven facts about yourself were interesting to read.
    I’m so sorry, but I must decline your nomination, though I am very honored. Thank you so much for thinking my blog worthy of the award.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! These are some awesome questions you’re passing my way! ^.^ I look forward to answering them. Thank you for the nomination, Eve!

    What?! A hummingbird? That’s so cool. Is it your spirit animal? 0.0

    Haha! How could you enjoy Poe as a child?! I detest Poe. I’m loathe to read any of his works and yet I’m planning to push my bias away and try again… *sigh*

    Oh! I totally understand #5 about Goodreads. I totally wish I knew what books I’ve read, for nostalgia purposes.

    #10 is quite interesting. Perhaps it’s the quite/serenity that allows you to calm down. Who knows. Very interesting.

    OO! I love your superpower! I like that superpower! Totally ‘Starfire’ from Teen Titans. (oh gosh. I just hardcore showed my age there >.>)

    Wow! I like your choice for dead people. (That sounded bad… Oh well *shrugs*) But I think it’s cool that you’d use it to solve mysteries, even if for personal satisfaction. I think that’s a cool idea. ^.^

    Haha! Does your pet dragon get a landing strip at your work? :p

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bahahaha, Melanie, this might just be my new all-time favorite blog comment. Yeah, I definitely was into scary stories as a kid: Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson, but I feel like my writing tastes have changed so much over the years. I wonder if I would still like reading those stories now.
      Now I’ll leave you with this: “When there’s trouble, you know who to call…TEEN TITANS!”

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yay! *leaves Epic comments* :p

        I never read much horror, but I’m awfully tempted to try it; to broaden my horizons in book genres. Though, horror may be a bit out there for me. We’ll see…

        TEEN TITANS! GO!


  4. Pingback: Infinity Dreams Award! | #2 | ---Blogging Everything Beautiful--

  5. Pingback: Infinity Dreams Award 3.0 | Melanie Noell Bernard

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