“How I Read” Book Tag #amreading

Thank you to Beth @ betwixt-the-pages for this tag AND for her fabulous book blog, which is an endless source of fantastic recommendations.

How do you find out about new books to read?

Most of the books I gleefully add to my TBR come from book blogs. I’m especially likely to try out a book that’s rated all over the place with five stars—case in point, the book I’m reading now: Throne of Glass. I’m only 50 pages in and already loving it.


By the way, does anyone else think this depiction of Celaena looks a lot like author Sarah J. Maas?


How did you get into reading?

My dad and his parents were big readers, so I just remember always having books around. Growing up as an only child, books made excellent companions.

How have your tastes in books changed as you got older?

This may seem counterintuitive, but as I’ve grown older I’ve gotten more into young adult fiction. I went from the classics, to science fiction (because that’s what my dad’s shelves were filled with), to horror and suspense, to literary, upmarket, and women’s fiction, to YA.

How often do you buy books?

I buy books when they’re not available at my local library, maybe three times a month.

How did you get into reviewing books?

I’m not one to shy away from expressing my opinion. This is doubly true of books and movies.

How do you react when you don’t like the end of a book?

This is me when I don’t like the ending of a book because it’s badly written:


This is me when I don’t like the ending of a book because it didn’t go the way I hoped it would:giphy

How often do you take a sneak peek at the ending to see if there is a happy ending?

Never, ever. The thrill of discovery is one of the most delicious things about reading a book. Not only will I never peek at the ending, I’ll even cover upcoming paragraphs with my hand if I sense something big is about to be revealed.

Your Turn!

It was kind of fun to think about how I read. If you’d like to do the same, please consider yourself tagged.

15 thoughts on ““How I Read” Book Tag #amreading

  1. Aww, thank you so much for the sweet words! You’re a doll. ❤

    Also–I've become a MASTER at ignoring every word on a page except the one I'm reading. Which means I don't have to cover anything with my hand, but also sometimes it's hard trying to re-find my place in a read if I've lost the page. XD

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  2. I don’t know if I could ever take a sneak peek at the ending of a book! I, too, have to cover up paragraphs if I feel the pace start to pick up and know something’s about to happen. My eyes like to try and skip ahead!

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  3. Eve, that’s very good never having looked at the ending earlier! I have a few times, always to my regret and never do now. However, I had a friend at university and she would read the last few pages FIRST before starting the book – drove me crazy! Have a good day. 😀

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    • Wow, that’s so interesting about your friend. I remember peeking once at the ending of a Proust book, something about a letter with a big mystery about who the letter was from. At about fifty pages in I couldn’t stand the suspense anymore, so I read the ending to find out who the letter was from. Suffice to say, I never read past page 50.

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  4. “The thrill of discovery is one of the most delicious things about reading a book.” I agree completely! If the book held my interest long enough to the end, then I’m too invested in the story to jump ahead. I want to go on the journey with the characters.

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