Juggling it All—Taking a Moment to Assess #amwriting, #the writing life

Life is busy–I wouldn’t have it any other way, but sometimes it’s important to take a moment to assess and shift priorities as needed. Here goes . . .

Family. Is my priority, but finding balance between being there for them and letting them fend for themselves is challenging.

Career. Almost pays the bills.

Second job. Helps almost pay the bills.

Writing. My passion and the focus of my life–when I can fit it in between family and work, which I’ve been managing to do daily, even if only for a few minutes.

Spirituality. Except for a prayer now and again, pretty much nonexistent. I’d like to meditate more at all.

Exercise. I love being fit and healthy, but I’m finding it impossible to find time to shop for, and to prepare, healthy foods and to exercise.

Blogging and Social Networking. Mostly consistent.  Has helped me learn and grow so much as a member of the professional writing community, but I’m wondering if this is where I can cut back to make time to exercise.

Travel. Has become a bigger part of my life, and I’m glad.

Friendship. Sporadic phone calls between everything else.

Reading. At least two novels a week. Brings me joy and helps me improve my writing craft.

Television and movies. Barely.

Housework. Barely.

Cooking. Anyone for takeout? Thank God husband likes to cook.

Pets. Keeping them healthy and happy, but I wish I had more time to take my little furry buddies for walks.

8 thoughts on “Juggling it All—Taking a Moment to Assess #amwriting, #the writing life

  1. Self-assessment is important, and it looks like you’ve got a handle on that. I’m in the same boat with you on exercise–my running days have disappeared since fall started and things have gotten busier. I should also consider cutting back on social media time to get moving again, so thanks for the inadvertent pep talk!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve heard sime authors limit themselves to social media only on certain days. Not sure if that would work for me…Maybe I can reward myself with social media time if I get exercise and writing in for the day. I don’t feel as if I spend that much time online, but I suspect that if I tracked all the little checks of WordPress and Twitter and email here and there, it would add up.

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  3. That’s a lot to handle! Sounds like you’re very aware of yourself, though. I’ve definitely found that making more time to pray, exercise, spend time with family/friends helps clear my head, and I end up writing better! But it’s a work in progress, I still find myself on Twitter and social media more than I should. (:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It is fascinating to hear from someone else who is working to fit writing around all her other things, this sort of stock taking. I always wonder how these all balance in the lives of others, and not everyone is so transparent. I think stock taking like this should make the rounds as an official “thing” so we can read about how other people do or do not balance. It seems part confessional, part visioning/pep talk, part report card, part community building (since we all have to figure out where writing fits and what moves to make room for it; it is nice to feel in good company). Sorry for so many words. Just really liked this.

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  5. This is a great idea! You and I are pretty much in the same place when it comes to cooking. And family — that elusive balance between being there for them and letting them fend for themselves. I don’t think that ever gets easier.


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